The latest CDC research on Autism Spectrum Disorders has shown that the "an estimated 1 in 68 (14.6 per 1,000) school-aged children have been identified with autism spectrum disorder." The press release goes on to note that, "this report shows essentially no change in ASD prevalence, the proportion of school aged-children with ASD, from the previous report released in 2014. However, it is too soon to know whether ASD prevalence in the United States might be starting to stabilize." Click Here to read the full CDC release. This announcement further reinforces the importance of ensuring our students receive access to effective, evidence-based strategies and treatments. As there is no confirmed cause or cure of autism spectrum disorder, our most powerful tool to support impacted children and adults is to provide appropriate interventions!
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CDC Newsroom. (2016). CDC estimates 1 in 68 school-aged children have autism; no change from previous estimate [Press Release]. Retrieved from