Links Trainer Page


Exceptional Support + New Features

* Links 2.0 Users: START HERE! *

Welcome to Links 2.0! We are excited to introduce you to your new Links user experience. We have incorporated user feedback from the last three years to bring you exciting new user-friendly features.

The expected launch date for customers is June 23rd!

Getting Started Quick Guide

Watch the Links 2.0 video above!

 Enter this URL into your browser:

    • Please bookmark this new page so you can easily return to it!

 Use your STAR Media Center login info (username and password) when prompted. 

    • If you have trouble logging in, contact us!

  Keep in mind that some of your data in the system may be somewhat inaccurate. Migrational hiccups may have temporarily skewed some data, but this will be resolved in future migrations.

    • This will not be noticeable to customers!

 In the next couple of weeks, we will be hosting several live webinar demos of Links 2.0. We’ll be announcing the dates of these demos soon, and we expect every trainer to attend at least one, so keep an eye on your in-box!

    • These demos will be recorded for playback.

  Check out this Trainer FAQ document to help guide you through this transition.

Trouble logging in?

Contact Sara Pennington at (503) 716-8203 or