OrPATS 2024-25 Training: Caregiver Trainings

Scheduled WorkshopsRegistration

Virtual Parent-Caregiver Trainings (Statewide)

This virtual parent-caregiver training series provides information and tools for supporting autistic children, children with autism and other developmental disabilities in the home setting. Each session will cover evidence-based and effective strategies to use during routines at home and will cover supports for students in both Pre-K, Primary & Secondary grades. All classes in the series use live instruction, demonstration, video, and discussion to present the information. The sessions are designed as a 4  topic series split into 2-2 hour parts, but it is not necessary to attend all sessions to benefit. Participants are encouraged to attend Part 1 and Part 2 of each training. Classroom teachers and/or school support staff are also welcome to attend for collaboration.

Parents: Register below for the dates and topics that work for you.


Session 1:Strategies and Behavior

February Option:

April Option:

Session 2: Teaching Skills 

February Option:

April Option:


Session 1:Strategies and Behavior

February Option:

April Option:

Session 2: Teaching Skills 

February Option:

April Option: