Urban Collaborative 2016 - STAR Presentation Handouts

Urban Collaborative 2016 Presentation Handouts

Thursday May 5th 10:00am

Developing a Districtwide Autism Program: A Training Model for Serving Students With ASD
Presenter: Kara Magee-Arick, STAR Director of Professional Development 

During this focus group we discussed several state and districtwide models of professional development. We discussed the infrastructure necessary to ensure fidelity of implementation of evidence-based strategies. Participants  learned about the different types of training and coaching that have been found to be effective in achieving fidelity of implementation and building districtwide capacity. Specific examples of districts and states that developed internal capacity to support all of their staff was provided. Thanks for joining us in exploring which of these models can be most sustainable for urban school districts!  


Click here to learn about building capacity through peer buddy support