Description / Information | Modules |
Self-Assessment Checklists | |
Module 1 - Introduction to the Training SeriesThis module provides the user with information about how the Video Training Modules are to be used. Information is shared on the process needed to watch the video modules and how to complete the various assignments. | |
Module 2 - Overview of AutismThis module provides the user with a description of the characteristics of autism and the types of instructional strategies used to teach students with autism. | |
Module 3 - Links Early Childhood OverviewThis module provides an overview of the STAR system and Links Early Childhood Curriculum. The user is introduced to the strategies of discrete trial training, pivotal response training and functional routines. | |
Module 4 - Links Early Childhood Behavioral StrategiesThis module provides an overview of the behavioral strategies for working with young children with autism and children with other developmental delays. This introduction covers the basics of behavior intervention techniques. | |
Module 55A - Discrete Trial Procedures Part 1 This module provides the user with information on how to implement the basic procedures of discrete trial training as used in Links EC. The procedures covered are the correct response, sequential learning steps and the correction procedure. 5B - Discrete Trial Procedures Part 2 This module provides the user with information on how to conduct errorless learning and take discrete trail data when teaching lessons in Links EC. 5C - Discrete Trial - Essential Level Lessons This module provides the user with an overview of the essential level discrete trial lessons in Links EC. An example video of several lessons are provided as well as how to collect the data for these lessons. 5D - Discrete Trial - Intermediate and Advanced Level Lessons This module provides the user with an overview of the intermediate and advanced level discrete trial lessons in Links EC. An example video of several lessons are provided as well as how to collect the data for these lessons. | Module 5 Forms:
Module 66A - Pivotal Response Training Strategy Overview This module provides the user with information on how to implement the basic procedures of pivotal response training as used in Links EC. How to conduct the cue-response-consequence process is described. 6B - Pivotal Response Training - Essential Level Lessons This module provides the user with an overview of the essential level pivotal response training lessons in Links EC. Example videos of several lessons are provided as well as how to collect the data for these lessons. 6C - Pivotal Response Training - Intermediate / Advanced Level Lessons This module provides the user with an overview of the intermediate and advanced level pivotal response training lessons in Links EC. Example videos of several lessons are provided as well as how to collect the data for these lessons. | Module 6 Forms: |
Module 77A - Functional Routines Overview This module provides the user with information on how to implement the basic functional routine procedures as used in Links EC. How to teach a student to complete the steps of a routine are described 7B - Functional Routines - Essential / Intermediate / Advanced Level Routines This module provides the user with an overview of the essential / intermediate / advanced functional routines in Links EC. Example videos of several routines are provided. 7C - Functional Routine Planning and Data Collection This module provides the user with the information needed to collect data on functional routines. | Module 7 Form: |
Module 8 - Troubleshooting Slow Student ProgressThis module provides the user with the basic procedures to use when students are making slow progress. | |
Module 9 - Challenging Behavior During InstructionThis module provides the user with the basic procedures to implement to prevent challenging behavior during instruction. | |
Module 10 - Overview of Life SkillsThis module provides the user with an overview of the Links EC Life Skills curriculum. | |
Module 11 - Overview of School ReadinessThis module provides the user with an overview of the Links EC School Readiness Curriculum. | |
Module 12 - Toileting / Fine Motor / FeedingThis module provides the user with techniques for teaching the child to use the toilet, improve fine motor skills and feeding techniques. |